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Regarding Changes to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

September 6, 2017

TO:                  The College Community

FROM:           Dr. Shaun L. McKay, President

Subject:          Regarding Changes to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), has offered relief from the fear of deportation for certain individuals whose parents brought them to the United States as children.  For more than three years, the College has progressively worked to distribute information and implement programs that enhance the types of support it has been able to offer to students who qualified for DACA.


With yesterday’s announcement from the nation’s capital, I want to publicly state that the College will continue to hold its commitment to inclusion and student safety in the highest regard.


I have seen great progress as we have worked together to build a supportive culture that assists all students in attaining our nation’s promise of opportunity. We have a right to be proud of our accomplishments, such as: 1) In independent student surveys, the College ranks at the top of all SUNY institutions regarding its development of a culture of acceptance–and, we are at the bottom when it comes to students witnessing acts of intolerance; 2) We recently charged the Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding with responsibility for communicating and promoting knowledge regarding issues of human rights, justice, equity, and equality; 3) We have restructured and funded our multicultural affairs efforts college-wide, in order to guarantee they are impactful and will provide enhanced support to a diverse student body. As a result, we are building an appreciation of the many facets of difference that exist within the College and across the County.


Through the Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding, our work with Achieving the Dream, the activities contained within our Diversity Strategic Plan, and our updated approach to multiculturalism, it is clear that a reminder regarding our  continued commitment to our undocumented students could not be timelier.  I will look to the Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding to now take an assertive stand in leading the conversation on this issue of social injustice. I can think of no higher priority at this point in our institution’s history, than for all of us to be working together toward passage of replacement legislation for DACA.  Better yet, an inclusive immigration policy that would strengthen our nation and propel us toward enhanced greatness as a country whose success has occurred through the contributions of immigrants.


It is at this precise moment when we must stand as a beacon of light.  It is more important than ever that we work to ensure an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcomed and anyone who wants an education and is willing to work for it, can come to us to achieve their goals and dreams.  Although we came to this institution with a multitude of differences, by working together we will achieve great things during this academic year that will ultimately benefit all communities.


As I stated in my remarks during yesterday’s Convocation, our College is, and will always be, a place of welcome and trust.  Thankfully, our college community has flourished as a result of the daily contributions made by thousands of individuals with integrity, who can accept and celebrate the existence of differences–realizing that those differences bring value to us all.  This has occurred intentionally, and incrementally, through each and every encounter that takes place here on a daily basis.


The only way to triumph over ignorance is through education. Here at this College we provide pathways of success for all, as well as supports that will help our students to complete the journey. Learning is infinite… and as a teaching and learning institution, we will continue to grow and expand as we work collaboratively with mutual respect for each other.


I have asked Dr. Christopher Adams, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Renee Ortiz, Director of the Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding to compile DACA resource information for our use and for distribution to our students. This will be shared with you as soon as it is prepared.


Together, as a community, we must commit ourselves to tolerance, to understanding, and to advocating for those who need our help at this moment in time.  This involves a commitment from everyone.   Embracing social justice is at the core of why we do what we do.  This is, in fact, the greatest work of personal and professional transformation.

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